Smart EM

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Introducing Smart EM

Open reference architecture for smart engineering model spaces.

Harnessing the new era in advanced AI to help solve limitations in exchange of computational engineering models.

Although the improvements of design and analysis processes due to computational engineering models is recognized, their reuse, exchange, and integration into larger system-level digital twins is still limited. The combination of models from different sources is still a mostly manual task with many limitations in functionality.

In Smart EM we have brought together a strong consortium including engineering industry, academic researchers, data specialists, and multiple AI experts to collectively work on a reference architecture for model space implementations. This will allow to significantly reduce development times by recycling, recombining or re-training their first-principle, data-based, and hybrid models leading to completely new design and product approaches.

Reference architecture

SmartEM focuses on developing a reference architecture for engineering model spaces.

Surrogate models

Smart EM supports AI-assisted methods to create surrogate models from heterogeneous data sources.

Model spaces

Model space implementations will be realised for as internal use-case solutions and open community stores.

Our approach

Reference architecture

SmartEM focuses on developing a reference architecture for engineering model spaces, which manage surrogate models generated from AI / ML-based methods. Use-case specific model spaces will enable the deployment of surrogates in a variety of technical applications. SmartEM will adapt or define taxonomies on multiple levels of the reference architecture: IP concepts, interfaces, engineering domains, modeling disciplines, data qualification, and finally surrogate modeling. SmartEM will combine methods from data-driven predictive modeling with inductive transfer and concept learning and enable automated selection of learning algorithms and pre-trained models according to problem specific metadata.

The reference architecture will provide ontologies which define relations between the classes of each of the above mentioned taxonomies. Their use for domain specific sets of meta-data enables model interoperability and semantic search. SmartEM will also address methods for IP management and model governance for the exploitation of surrogates’ added-value and contribute to standards and data-space communities.

Project rationale

Our use cases

Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEMs) probe physical and chemical characteristics to sub-atomic scales in Life/Materials-Science, and Semiconductors. TEMs are complex SW/HW systems controlling a focused electron beam, sample environment and movement, to extremely high (pico-meter) accuracy and stability. Users demand sensing and measurement combinations leading to 1000’s of configurations. Current tools do not support timely and economic R&D, production and life-cycle management.

A virtual printer is a digital twin that combines various models together to enable evaluation of cross-disciplinary system-level properties for printers like print quality. A key challenge is life-cycle management of models used during the development process and later phases of production, i.e., until decommissioning the last instance of a printer family. Individual models are developed for a certain purpose, ignoring integration into a bigger context or other reuse.

A current trend in consumer products are personalized products, where smarter and connected products are adapted to customer needs. This results in complex products with challenges in development and manufacturing. Suppliers and development departments collaborate with models up to a limited level of detail due to a variety of constrains. Thus, multiple development iterations are needed, causing increased idea-to-market time.

Process optimization in gear grinding uses AI algorithms to improve the efficiency and precision of the process. The AI system continuously analyses and adjusts parameters such as feed rate, speed, and temperature to optimize output and reduce waste. This leads to increased productivity, improved surface quality and reduced downtime. The result is a smarter, faster and more cost-effective gear grinding process.

This use case addresses Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) optimized with simulation-assisted AI using build log data leads to improve accuracy, efficiency, and product quality. The AI algorithms usage results in process improvements, cost savings and waste reduction. Using build log data enriched with simulation enables a high-quality AM process and final product.

Energy generation is one of the central issues in today’s world. For the design of GE’s wind turbines, high-resolution flow models have to be coupled with structural models – either in full 3D or in 2D resolution. SE wants to apply ML methods for the design of their newest hydrogen engines. Both have a strong need for fast modelling capabilities using 0/2/3D models for faster design cycle times. Current rule-based models are too slow to run all the necessary variant studies in a suitable time. Transfer-learning enables designing similar product in different sizes. Sophisticated robust design models are required for higher efficiency.

Small production runs, each with many individual parts and variety of machining steps, lead to significant machine downtime due to set-up, loading/unloading of parts and loading/unloading of tools. Monitoring data showing the cutting times for time intervals of the machines is used as an indicator of cell performance. 

International project coordinator - Roger van Gaalen - Philips Electronics Nederland BV
Belgium project coordinator - Dr. Greet Bilsen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Netherlands project coordinator - Roelof Hamberg - Canon Production Printing Netherlands B.V.
Türkiye project coordinator - Murat Sağlam - Alpata Technology
Our team

The foundation of our project

Our exceptional consortium is the heartbeat of our project, and the driving force behind our success. As a diverse group of best of breed organizations, we understand that true innovation stems from collaboration, creativity, and expertise.

The AI-Toolkit market is expected to continue to grow massively in the next years, with an estimated growth rate of around 40%, where manufacturing applications of AI are a major contributor. The market is very diverse with big companies like Microsoft, SAS, SISW, but also small niche players with tools for highly specialized industries and use cases.
The latest

News & Articles

SmartEm poster for ITEA Project exhibition 2024

We will proudly present this poster during the guided tours at the 2024 ITEA Project exhibition. All are invited to attend.

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SmartEM has been selected by ITEA4 to present at ITEA PO Days 

On Tuesday 10 September from 13:00 – 15:30 CEST, SmartEM project will be represented at the ITEA Project exhibition 2024 at the ITEA PO Days in Antwerp. Olga Kattan, PHILIPS & Bram Stalknecth, SEMLAB will be representing SMARTEM,  If you … Read More

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